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Crystal Guide

How to Choose the Right Healing Crystal for You

Once you figure out the reason you would like a crystal, then you can narrow down the crystals that are good for each situation. And if you still don’t know the reason why you would like a healing crystal, that is perfectly okay, because there is a crystal for that, too!

Intuition - your own intuition and inner voice - will be your best guide when it comes to choosing the right healing crystal for you. You may find that you are drawn to a specific crystal, as our subconscious or our Higher Self often knows what it is that we most need and serves our best interest. Look at the crystals, feel and hold the crystals - notice any sensations you may experience when you are near or holding each one. Take a quiet moment while holding each crystal in your hands, close your eyes and focus on what kind of vibration you may feel. The crystal that most resonates with you is the right healing crystal for you.

Questions to ponder upon:

Below are some much loved healing crystals that are well known for assisting with these issues:

Healing Crystals for Spiritual Healing

Amethyst is a great stone for connecting with and enhancing the health of our Spirit. Known to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, Amethyst is a great meditative aid and works well with the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst calms and quietens the mind, allowing us to dive deeper into ourselves.

Selenite connects us to the Infinite, including our Spirit Guides and our own intuition. Selenite raises our level of consciousness and aids in a deeper spiritual connection.

Celestite (also known as Celestine) works well to help increase your natural intuition and amplify your spiritual connection. Considered a stone of divinity, Celestite balances the Crown Chakra and also helps to express and connect with Divine Guidance.

Fluorite heightens our intuition and psychic connection. A stone of high vibration, Fluorite does well at protecting our Auras.

Desert Rose aids in quieting the mind, allowing for deeper meditation and insight into our past lives. A stone of spiritual connection, Desert Rose helps to provide deeper Divine under- standing.

Healing Crystals for Emotinal Healing

Blue Lace Agate is a very calming stone, neutralizing anger and aggression. Blue Lace Agate is highly vibrational, allowing for a more soothing temperament.

Rose Quartz is a stone of love, and particularly self love. This compassionate healing crystal is great for working through issues of forgiveness and anger. Rose Quartz is gentle but highly effective when balancing emotions. Another crystal, Rhodochrosite, has similar healing properties and makes for another great option when it comes to soothing emotions.

Peridot is excellent for anger issues, as well as jealousy. Connected to the Heart Chakra, Peridot helps us gain gratitude and appreciation for all that we do have.

Smokey Quartz aids with emotional blockages, especially that of anger and negativity. Paired with the Root Chakra, Smokey Quartz also helps us work through feelings of grief and despair. One can also use Apache Tears to dispel feelings of grief and depression when looking to choose the right healing crystal for you.

Blue Kyanite helps to keep us grounded and calm. A soothing blue crystal, Kyanite eases stress and anxiety, while helping us to feel balanced and empowered. This stone is especially great when working with any of the Chakras.

Black Tourmaline comes along when trying to choose the right healing crystal for you and you are feeling overwhelmed by challenges. Black Tourmaline absorbs negative energies, especially feelings of anxiety, worry and fear. It also helps you to notice the positive aspect/s to any challenge you may be facing.

Angelite offers comfort and support, and is a great stone for dispelling anxiety and worry. Angelite helps us to feel calm and peaceful, and helps us to work through feelings of fear.

Red Jasper helps when we find ourselves in a state of apathy, or lacking energy and passion. Red Jasper boosts our vitality and energy, stimulating our creativity and reigniting our passions. Additionally, Carnelian is also ideal for boosting energy and motivation.

Healing Crystals for Physical Healing

Lapis Lazuli calms the nervous system and releases blockages of pain, particularly regarding headaches. Lapis Lazuli can offer great headache relief, balancing the Third Eye Chakra and easing the other side effects that often come with headaches. When deciding how to choose the right healing crystal for you and your headaches, Amethyst has similar healing properties to work through the pain of headaches.

Turquoise is connected to the Throat Chakra and offers a release that can help with the pain of headaches as well. Turquoise promotes a sense of calm and reduced stress. You may also use Amber or Copal to help prevent headaches and stop them before they even start. A stone made of fossilized resin, Amber releases the kind of emotional blockages that may cause head pain, making this an option when looking to choose the right healing crystal.

Citrine works well at detoxifying the body, helping to alleviate digestive ailments. Citrine is a great healing stone for nausea in particular, balancing our system and helping to align our stomach and gastrointestinal distress. It is also a crystal that can assist with boosting the metabolism.

Apatite is another stone to consider when wanting to choose a stone for your physical well-being, particularly if you have stomach and digestive issues that need sorting. Apatite sup- presses hunger, releases toxins and helps gain control of our digestive system.

Garnet helps relieve pressure in the stomach, and works for overall digestive discomfort. Choose Garnet for healing vibrations that ease gastrointestinal ailments and promote balance and release. You may also try Golden Tiger Eye for digestive relief, as this stone works well with the Solar Plexus Chakra, helping to create energetic harmony related to the stomach.